Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thank you for an amazing year!!

Dear parents,
As we are approaching the end of our school year, Mrs. Wilson and I are so thankful for such an amazing year with your students.  We’ve had so much fun watching them grow, and living the “light bulb” moments with them.  They have accomplished so much, and it is with bitter sweet feelings that we going to go through those last couple weeks knowing it is almost time to say good bye, but also knowing that it is time for us to let them fly.
Thank you again SO much for all your help and support throughout the year.  We loved every moment spent with your child.  They are all precious in their own way, and we can’t wait to see them soar in first grade!
In the meantime, here are some pictures of fun times spent together:  Our Spring Carnival and our field trip to the Art Barn

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring is here!!

Mrs. Wilson and I hope you are enjoying the beautiful, Spring like weekend!  
We have been very busy in Kindergarten for the last couple of months. 
Here are pictures of our Valentine’s exchange, Character Day, 
and Dr. Seuss’ Day.
Thank you so much to Archer’s mom for making such awesome Valentine’s treats for the class!  Thank you also to Sayda’s grandmother for being our mystery guest reader on Character Day!

We so appreciate your help and support!

  Take a peek into our Spring learning:
·         In Language Arts, we are learning long and short vowel sounds, digraphs (ch,sh,th), and we are still drilling sight words.  Please help your child memorize his/her list from the Sight Word Challenge by practicing it EVERY night!  We already have 1/3 of the class who completed the challenge, and  they are now learning more challenging words.  If your child is not at least on list 5, there is a lot of catching up to do!
·         In Math, we have started a new unit called Investigating Addition and Subtraction.  We are focusing on adding and subtracting sets 0-10 using different strategies and tools (fingers, cubes, number line, counting on).  We are also learning how to write equations using the +, -, and = signs.
·         In Science, we are learning about living organisms Vs nonliving things.  Ask your child:  what is the difference?  How do you know when something is living?  We will then learn how to group animals into characteristics (how they move, where they live), about animals’ life cycles, and the similarities and differences between species.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Your children are working hard, and Mrs. Wilson and I are very proud of all they’ve accomplished so far.  We are quickly approaching the finish line, so make the best of it with your child by making sure he/she is doing homework every week, reading at least 15 minutes every night, and practicing the skills we are learning in class.
Thank you SO much for all you do to ensure our students' success.


Saturday, January 30, 2016

We are 100 Days smarter!!!


Please continue to support their learning at home.  We now have homework on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Homework has to be completed by Friday.  You may help your child, but please, do not complete the homework for them.  Homework allows your child to review skills learned at school.  It also allows them to show you what they know! J
We are also starting our Sight Word Challenge on Tuesday (please see your child’s folder for more info).  Your student will get a list of sight words to take home.  Help your child memorize the words out of order.  Another way to reinforce reading skills is by reading to your child, or let your child read to you EVERY night for a minimum of 15 minutes.  Don’t forget to record the minutes in your child’s February Reading Log (see his/her folder).
In Math, we are starting our unit on measurement.  We are focusing on comparing the size of objects by using proper measurement words (longer, shorter, taller, heavier, and lighter), and by exploring different ways to measure objects by using nonstandard measurement tools (cubes, paper clips).
We just concluded our Science unit on Earth materials, particularly rocks, and we are now switching to Social Studies.  Our unit is American Symbols and American presidents (George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and our current president). 
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or concerns.