Sunday, November 30, 2014
Grandparents Day
Our Thanksgiving Kinderfeast!!
Thank you SO much to all our parents who contributed food, drinks, silverware, napkins, and plates to our Kindergarten Thanksgiving "re-enaction." A special Thank You to Mrs. Farmwald for coordinating the Feast. We had so much fun and everything was delicious!! Mrs Wilson and I hope you all had a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving! We are so thankful for you and your children!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Halloween Fun!!
We had SO much fun on Halloween Day here at EJES!! We counted and graphed bones and candy corn in Mrs. Detweiler's classroom; we wrote about little pumpkins sitting on a gate in Mrs. Harmon's class; we learned about safety on Halloween Day and danced to fun Halloween songs in Mrs. Lausier's class; we re-enacted the story The Little Old Lady who was not Afraid of Anything and sequenced it back in order in our class, and we went on a fall walk outside and found pumpkins that we decorated and took home!!
A big THANK YOU to Andy Farmwald's mom for donating pumpkins and decorations to the whole class! The look on the kids' faces when they saw the pumpkins was priceless! :) Thank you also to Lily Currere's mom for the Halloween bags and craft, and to Jordan Richter's mom for providing snacks for the class. Mrs. Wilson and I could not do all this without your thoughtfulness and generosity. You all made our day so much more fun and memorable!

Saturday, October 25, 2014
Kindergarten News!!
Here are some of the
things we are currently learning about in our class:
Language Arts and Reading:
We are
comparing and contrasting fiction and non fiction books. When you read to your child, ask: “is this
book fiction or non fiction? How do you
We are
counting syllables in words. Here are
some strategies that we use: clap as you
say the word; put your hand under your chin and count how many times you open
your mouth when you say a word; robot talk.
We are
learning about rhyming words. “How do
you know when two words rhyme? Tell me
another word that rhymes with this word.”
We are working
on decoding 3-letter words by sounding them out (ex: c-a-t says cat!).
We are
comparing numbers using the words greater than, less than, and equal to. We are also learning to use the symbols <,
>, and =
We are
composing and decomposing numbers 11-20 using ten frames.
We are still
learning to count to 100 by 1’s and by 10’s.
We are
learning to count sets of objects from 0-20 and write the matching number.
Science and Social
In Science, we
are learning about day and night. What
can you see in the day sky? In the night
sky? What is the same? What is different? Does the sun move? Does Earth move? How?
Why can we see the moon at night? What animals come out at night?
In Social
Studies, we will start our Thanksgiving unit at the beginning of November. Our focus questions will be: What is Thanksgiving? Why and how do we celebrate it? Who were the Pilgrims? How and why did they come to America? How did the Pilgrims and the Native Americans
interact? What can we learn from them?
As always, thank you so
much for your help and support! Continue
to practice sight words with your child, counting to 100 by 1’s and by 10’s. Read to your child, or have your child read to you every night
for at least 10 minutes!
Monday, September 22, 2014
We can find sight words in poems!
Today, we were detectives trying to find sight words in our weekly poem I Can Hop! We found the words can, I, a, at, go, like, and to.
Remember to practice reading our sight words with your child at home! You can spy sight words in newsletters, magazines, books, recipes, signs, and so much more! You can also write sight words in pairs on index cards and play a memory game! Learning is so much more exciting when it is fun!
We love our book buddies!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Specials Changes!!
Attention parents!
We've had a change of schedule. We now have P.E on Mondays and Wednesdays, and we will rotate our specials on Fridays. Here is the Friday rotation schedule:
Long’s Friday Rotations for Specials
Sept 12th Art
Sept 19th P.E.
Sept 26nd Music
Oct. 3rd Health
Oct. 10th Art
Oct. 17th P.E.
Oct. 24th Music
Oct. 31st Health
Nov. 7th Art
Nov. 14th P.E.
Nov. 21st Music
No School Thanksgiving
As always, make sure your child has on tennis shoes on our P.E days. Thanks!!
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Classroom News!!
This is what we are learning about this month:
Language Arts:
Thank you so much as always with your help and support!
Language Arts:
- letter names and sounds
- simple sight words (ex: I, at, my, the, like, a). Please practice sight words with your child at home. I put the list of all the sight words we'll be learning throughout the year in your child's folder. Let me know if you did not get one.
- tracking text in a book from left to right and top to bottom
- actively engaging in group discussions and answering questions during read-alouds
- story elements (characters, setting, beginning, middle, end)
- the difference between a letter, a word, and a sentence
- 2D and 3D shapes
- positional words
- counting to 100 by ones and by 10's
- Labor Day
- Community workers
- rules
Thank you so much as always with your help and support!
Donuts for Dad!!
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