Saturday, October 25, 2014

In School Field Trip with the Chattahoochee Nature Center

Kindergarten News!!

Here are some of the things we are currently learning about in our class:
Language Arts and Reading: 
·         We are comparing and contrasting fiction and non fiction books.  When you read to your child, ask: “is this book fiction or non fiction?  How do you know?
·         We are counting syllables in words.  Here are some strategies that we use:  clap as you say the word; put your hand under your chin and count how many times you open your mouth when you say a word; robot talk.
·         We are learning about rhyming words.  “How do you know when two words rhyme?  Tell me another word that rhymes with this word.”
·         We are working on decoding 3-letter words by sounding them out (ex:  c-a-t says cat!). 
·         We are comparing numbers using the words greater than, less than, and equal to.  We are also learning to use the symbols <, >, and =
·         We are composing and decomposing numbers 11-20 using ten frames.
·         We are still learning to count to 100 by 1’s and by 10’s.
·         We are learning to count sets of objects from 0-20 and write the matching number.
Science and Social Studies: 
·         In Science, we are learning about day and night.  What can you see in the day sky?  In the night sky?  What is the same?  What is different?  Does the sun move?  Does Earth move?  How?  Why can we see the moon at night?  What animals come out at night? 
·         In Social Studies, we will start our Thanksgiving unit at the beginning of November.  Our focus questions will be:  What is Thanksgiving?  Why and how do we celebrate it?  Who were the Pilgrims?  How and why did they come to America?  How did the Pilgrims and the Native Americans interact?  What can we learn from them?

As always, thank you so much for your help and support!  Continue to practice sight words with your child, counting to 100 by 1’s and by 10’s.  Read to your child,  or have your child read to you every night for at least 10 minutes!