Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!!

As 2016 is about to begin, Mrs. Wilson and I would like to thank you for all the help and support you have provided to our class in 2015.  We would like to especially thank our room parents and parent helpers, Mrs. Amering, Mrs. Van Brunt, and Mrs. Hoschek, for putting together such a great Holiday Party!  The kids loved the games and craft activities, and Mrs. Wilson and I loved all the gifts we received.  Thank you SO much for your generosity and thoughtfulness!  
We hope you enjoy the rest of the Winter Break.  Keep working on sight words, rhyming words, counting, and naming shapes with your child at home.  The more your child practices at home, the more likely he/she is able to remember.

Here are some pictures we took of our class in December:
Winter Holidays Pictures

 Happy New Year to all, and see you back at school on Wednesday, January 6th!!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindergarten News!!

Mrs. Wilson and I hope your family had a happy, peaceful Thanksgiving!  Thank you SO much to all who have contributed to our Feast and to our Pumpkin Pie in a Bag recipe!  Everything was delicious and so much fun for our students!

Below are some pictures from our Thanksgiving Feast and from Grandparents’ Day.

In Language Arts, please continue to work with your child on sight words, letter names and letter sounds, rhyming words, counting syllables, and decoding simple 3-letter words.  Make sure you read with your child every night for at least 15 minutes.  The December Reading Log is in your child’s folder.  Log in the books you read to your child or the books your child reads to you.  At the end of the month, your child might win a prize!

In Math, keep practicing counting to 100 and beyond by ones and by tens.  We are also studying shapes.  Go on a walk, point to, name, and describe the shapes in your environment.  The tree trunk shaped like a cylinder; the front door shaped like a rectangle (it has 2 long sides and 2 short sides); the cone and the sphere of the ice cream cone and ice cream scoop.  Shapes are truly everywhere!

In Social Studies, we are learning about needs and wants.  As the Winter Holidays are quickly approaching, talk to your child about the differences between the things we need, and the things we want.  Tell them how you earn money in order to buy those needs and wants, and why we cannot always get what we want!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or concerns.



Saturday, October 17, 2015

Happy Autumn!!

It was such a pleasure to see everyone last week on Conference Day!  Thank you so much for all the support and for all the hard work you are doing at home to make sure our students are successful!  We cannot do this without you!

Thank you to Sayda's grandma for being our special Mystery Reader this month!
Thank you also to all who have sent apples to school!  We made applesauce with them and we tasted different kinds of apples and graphed which one was our class favorite.  We will make Rice Crispy Treats Spiders next week, so look in your child’s folder for ways to contribute to our October treat!


 We had so much fun on Thursday when our three Centennial High School Seniors spent the day with us!  They talked to us about the importance of education; they played with us on the playground at recess; they read us a story, and at the end of the day, they gave each of our students a Class of 2028, “Future Knight” tee shirt!  Can you believe that in 13 years, our sweet Kindergartners will be graduating high school?!

 In the meantime, here is a summary of what we are learning this month in K: 

  •         In Language Arts, we are focusing on rhyming words and syllables.  Ask your child these questions:  How do you know when 2 words rhyme?  What are syllables?  How do you count how many syllables are in a word? We are also working hard at learning sight words, letters and letter sounds.  Keep practicing these skills at home, it makes a big difference!
  •          In math, we are learning how to compare sets of objects using words and signs like greater then, less than, and equal.  We are also learning about place value by decomposing teen numbers using tens and ones.  Ask your child:  What numbers or sets does Allie the alligator (<) like to eat?  What does equal mean? If your child still has trouble naming and ordering numbers 0-20, please practice at home with the numbers we sent home.  Keep practicing counting to 100 by ones and by tens too!
  •          In Science, we are exploring the concepts of motion, forces, and gravity.  We are learning about how objects move in different ways, and how some things in the sky return to Earth, and some do not.

·         Report cards are going home on Monday!  Make sure to take them out of the envelope.  Sign the envelope on the highlighted area and return them to school via your child’s folder.  You can keep the report card.