Language Arts:
- · We are doing GREAT with our sight word challenge!! We already have 4 students in our class who have mastered all 6 word lists! When this happens, they get a prize and a special certificate. They also become Star Spellers, which means they now take on the challenge of spelling each word on their lists correctly. Please continue to practice sight words with your child at home. Make sure your child reads the words on their list out of order, without sounding them out!
- We’ve been working on short and long vowel sounds, syllables, and rhyming words. When you read a book with your child, ask these following questions:
look at this word: does it have a short
or a long vowel sound? What sound does the vowel in this word make?
many syllables does this word have? How do
you know?
you think of a word that rhymes with…?
How do you know they rhyme?
- We have started our unit on addition and subtraction. Practice adding and subtracting objects together at home. For example, have your child solve the following problems:
are 2 chairs around the table, but there are 4 people in our family. How many more chairs do we need to add so
that everyone gets a chair to sit on?
are 8 chocolates in this box. How many
chocolates are going to be left if I eat 3?
How do you know? Show me how you
figured out the answer.
- · Continue to practice counting to 100 by ones and by tens. If your child has already mastered those skills, practice counting by 2’s and 5’s.
Social Studies:
- · We’ve been learning about American Symbols, and this week we are going to concentrate on American presidents. What is the job of an American president? Where does the president live and work? Who was our first American president? Who was Abraham Lincoln?
- · To review American symbols, ask your child to point to American symbols in his/her environment, and explain what they stand for.