Monday, November 30, 2015

Kindergarten News!!

Mrs. Wilson and I hope your family had a happy, peaceful Thanksgiving!  Thank you SO much to all who have contributed to our Feast and to our Pumpkin Pie in a Bag recipe!  Everything was delicious and so much fun for our students!

Below are some pictures from our Thanksgiving Feast and from Grandparents’ Day.

In Language Arts, please continue to work with your child on sight words, letter names and letter sounds, rhyming words, counting syllables, and decoding simple 3-letter words.  Make sure you read with your child every night for at least 15 minutes.  The December Reading Log is in your child’s folder.  Log in the books you read to your child or the books your child reads to you.  At the end of the month, your child might win a prize!

In Math, keep practicing counting to 100 and beyond by ones and by tens.  We are also studying shapes.  Go on a walk, point to, name, and describe the shapes in your environment.  The tree trunk shaped like a cylinder; the front door shaped like a rectangle (it has 2 long sides and 2 short sides); the cone and the sphere of the ice cream cone and ice cream scoop.  Shapes are truly everywhere!

In Social Studies, we are learning about needs and wants.  As the Winter Holidays are quickly approaching, talk to your child about the differences between the things we need, and the things we want.  Tell them how you earn money in order to buy those needs and wants, and why we cannot always get what we want!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions or concerns.