Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year 2016!!

As 2016 is about to begin, Mrs. Wilson and I would like to thank you for all the help and support you have provided to our class in 2015.  We would like to especially thank our room parents and parent helpers, Mrs. Amering, Mrs. Van Brunt, and Mrs. Hoschek, for putting together such a great Holiday Party!  The kids loved the games and craft activities, and Mrs. Wilson and I loved all the gifts we received.  Thank you SO much for your generosity and thoughtfulness!  
We hope you enjoy the rest of the Winter Break.  Keep working on sight words, rhyming words, counting, and naming shapes with your child at home.  The more your child practices at home, the more likely he/she is able to remember.

Here are some pictures we took of our class in December:
Winter Holidays Pictures

 Happy New Year to all, and see you back at school on Wednesday, January 6th!!