Sunday, May 8, 2016

Thank you for an amazing year!!

Dear parents,
As we are approaching the end of our school year, Mrs. Wilson and I are so thankful for such an amazing year with your students.  We’ve had so much fun watching them grow, and living the “light bulb” moments with them.  They have accomplished so much, and it is with bitter sweet feelings that we going to go through those last couple weeks knowing it is almost time to say good bye, but also knowing that it is time for us to let them fly.
Thank you again SO much for all your help and support throughout the year.  We loved every moment spent with your child.  They are all precious in their own way, and we can’t wait to see them soar in first grade!
In the meantime, here are some pictures of fun times spent together:  Our Spring Carnival and our field trip to the Art Barn